Firefighter Thank You Card DIY

I had the pleasure of creating a “Thank You for being our HEROES” card for our local fire station: Los Angeles Fire Station #105. They graced my son’s school with an awesome presentation this last Friday! What a treat. 🚒🚨🔥

This was inspired by a Pinterest pin I found by Stay At Home Educator. Such a great idea 👇

I just made a quick trip to the dollar tree to grab a red and a white poster board the night before. Lol

I quickly sketched the badge and used my sons markers and colored pencils to color it in. Adhered with my favorite double stick foam tape. I cut out the house and practiced writing 57 kids’ names to make sure they fit.

We had 2 hours to put 3 classes of hands onto the poster and have it dry before they left.

We used acrylics: dark red, orange, bright yellow for the fire and dark blue and blue for the water. I made the hose nozzle separate so I can tape it over the kids blue hand prints and not have them accidentally paint over it.

Very fun day for the kids and the teachers/parents too. It’s not every day you get to see the fire trucks, fire fighting gear and tools first hand, ladder extended and sirens blaring 🙌 My boys loved going through the back seat of each fire truck!

We truly appreciate our firefighting HEROES!!❤️

Thanks for reading 🙂 ~Melanie

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